Women’s wellness clinic in Somerset West is able to assist females in dynamically changing lifestyle choices. In order to lose weight, eat healthily and generally feel good about life. SureSlim has over 40 clinics around the nation and been operational in South Africa for more than twelve years.

The SureSlim eating plan focuses on certain aspects about weight loss. And has been researched in detail to help ladies with healthy and nutritionally balanced diets that focus on a foods nutritional content. Rather than the traditional diet focus of concentrating on counting calories.
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The SureSlim Eating Program has a scientifically formulation to balance the hormones that control body weight.
Such as Insulin, Human Growth Hormone and Serotonin.
Women’s Wellness Clinic Activities
Regular control exercise at the women’s wellness clinic in Somerset West is of course an important contributing factor to the all-round feeling of being well and healthy.
Pregnant ladies, non-pregnant ladies and often their children gain a lot out of visiting the clinic. And having one on one consultations with a qualified dietitian to work out a program to help lose weight if you desire.
In addition as importantly, to continue over an extended period to live life feeling healthy, being healthy and well.
We all know the importance of looking after ourselves through life. And a healthy body really does mean a healthy mind.
Those that choose to eat the correct nutritional foods and take regular exercise. Who do not smoke, do not drink too much alcohol and generally live a clean focused lifestyle are often very sharp minded. And do extremely well at work and play.
In Summary
So if you are a female looking to improve your eating habits. Perhaps lose weight and/or change your lifestyle choices to help you feel good about yourself.
Then a visit to the women’s wellness clinic facilities in the Somerset West region can work wonders for your health.
Visit the website here: https://www.womenswellnesspractice.co.za/